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Texting and Driving Accident Attorneys

texting and driving
texting and driving

Distracted driving is one of the biggest road threats across the United States. According to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in a single year, 2,841 people were killed in distracted driving-related accidents. When assessing the factors which play into distracted driving, the CDC breaks the habit down into three main categories:

  • Visual: Anything that takes your eyes off the road.
  • Manual: Anything that takes your hands off the wheel.
  • Cognitive: Anything that takes your mind away from the road.

Texting and driving is considered one of the most dangerous forms of distracted driving because it is one of the only distracting tasks that fall into all three categories.

Texting and Driving Accidents

When a driver is distracted behind the wheel, they aren't only putting themselves at risk but the others on the road as well. There are many different types of crashes that can be a result of texting and driving, some of which include:

Head-On Collisions

Head-on collisions, also known as "frontal impact collisions," can occur when one vehicle collides headfirst into another car or solid object. Head-on collision injuries can often be very similar to those of a side-impact accident, but depending on the driver's speed, they can be even more severe.

Rear-End Collisions

A study from the NHTSA revealed that most vehicle collisions are rear-end accidents and account for 29 percent of accidents nationwide. These are also closely associated with texting and driving, and depending on the speed impacts can range anywhere from minor to serious injuries. Rear-end collisions commonly result in facial lacerations, head injuries, whiplash, spinal cord injuries, and leg, ankle, or knee injuries.

Side-Impact Collisions

These are also known as "T-Bone" collisions and occur when one vehicle hits another vehicle perpendicularly (often seen at intersections). They are typically a result of drivers failing to adhere to stop signs or yielding when turning because they are distracted. Injuries from these accidents can be quite severe, resulting in abdominal injuries, neck injuries, lacerations, and many other severe conditions.

Contact a Lawyer

Being involved in a distracted driving-related crash can be not only stressful but challenging as well. It's recommended to work with a skilled attorney to ensure accurate and timely compensation. With decades of experience under our belt, here at Veritas Injury Lawyers, we have the expertise you need to fight your case. One mishap could result in delayed or minimized payout amounts when submitting a claim. When trying to recover from any injuries or losses you may have sustained after the accident, this is something you want to avoid. Our team of award-winning attorneys will support you through the file claiming process and be a viable resource for any misunderstanding or questions you may have

Contact us today at (970) 292-7171 or visit us online to schedule your free consultation.
