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Negligent Driving vs. Reckless Driving

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car accident

The reason for many car accidents is simply negligence. Someone is not careful enough and makes a mistake. Maybe they don't hit the brakes quite hard enough when coming up on the back of a traffic jam, and they rear-end another car. They didn't mean to do it, but they just misjudged the distance.

On the other hand, when someone does something that they know is dangerous and often illegal, that's when they may face accusations of reckless driving. It's a step up from negligence because it's not just a mistake. They knew that what they were doing was dangerous, so they decided to do it anyway, and they caused an accident.

Some examples of reckless driving include:

  • Racing another car down a busy street
  • Breaking the speed limit by what a reasonable person would consider an excessive amount
  • Intentionally running through a red light or a stop sign
  • Passing another car on the shoulder
  • Trying to run from the police if they attempt to execute a traffic stop
  • Unsafe passing, such as crossing the double line in a no-passing zone or going by a school bus that has its lights on and is loading or unloading children

In some instances, drivers can also get accused of reckless driving if they are intoxicated or texting. Plus, some of these activities happen at the same time, such as a drunk driver speeding and then trying to run from a traffic stop.

Did you get hit by a reckless driver who put you in danger, without a thought for what it meant to you? If so, you may be able to seek compensation for your injuries and related costs.

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