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Seek Compensation After an Accident

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It took only a few minutes, but it felt like time was moving slowly. You watched a semi-truck approach your vehicle quickly, and moments later, you were struggling to find a way out of your vehicle.

As someone who was a passenger when a semi-truck collided with your friend's vehicle, you may not be sure where you stand when it comes to making a claim for compensation. Are you able to recover money, or is it only your friend who has the right to do so?

The good news is that you may be able to recover your medical expenses from all the drivers involved in the accident. If your friend had no-fault passenger coverage, then it may not even matter who was to blame; you'd still be able to seek compensation to cover your losses.

The only exception to the rule is if you are related to the driver. If you are related to the driver of the vehicle, you can't file as a third party. Instead, your family member will file the claim, and your claim would potentially be a part of that.

In a case where you've suffered severe injuries, insurance coverage may not be enough. In that situation, you'll need to file a lawsuit against the at-fault driver for compensation. Suing for negligence is one of the only ways to make sure you get more than what insurance initially offers you. While insurance companies do try to settle, if the settlement isn't enough, you should not accept it.

Veritas Injury Lawyers have more information on what to do if you're in a crash as a passenger. You have a right to seek compensation to cover your injuries and other financial losses. Fill out a contact form to schedule your free consultation.

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