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Colorado Lawmakers Push for Permanent Code 15 Laws

personal injury
personal injury

If you're planning to travel through Colorado, it's important to know about the conditions of the roads. Because of the mountains, seemingly dry roads can suddenly turn to ice and snow, leaving you in a position where you could be at risk of a car accident. If other drivers aren't paying attention, then you could be hit and hurt.

Your attorney may be able to help you in a personal injury case when other drivers are negligent of the laws in the area. For instance, Colorado issued a law called Code 15, which requires drivers to meet special criteria when they drive through the Interstate-70 corridor.

The corridor passes through mountains, which can pose special threats to drivers. Because of that, Code 15 is used to require passenger vehicles to use 4-wheel drive, chains, or snow tires. These simple changes to vehicles could keep others safe on the road, as well as keep the driver and his or her family safely grounded.

Some lawmakers are trying to make Code 15 a permanent law in the winter months, but so far, efforts have failed. They're expected to try again this year to make the law a reality. In the meantime, if someone is on the road during a Code 15 enforcement period, then his or her vehicle must have the proper gear being used. Not using the 4-wheel drive, snow tires, or chains can result in crashes that should have been avoidable; slick conditions are already expected, so drivers are expected to behave accordingly to prevent unnecessary wreckage. Drivers who don't abide by Code 15 could face fines and other penalties from the Colorado State Patrol.

Source: CBS Denver, "Drivers May Be Subject To ‘Code 15’ When Driving The I-70 Mountain Corridor," Oct. 30, 2015

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